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Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday meditation: Lone leaf

I led an outing for my camera club around Saltaire and up the Glen Tramway to Shipley Glen. It was well attended and we had lots of fun, but I was so busy chatting and making sure we didn't lose anyone that I hardly took any photos myself. Of the half dozen images I came home with, I liked this one the best: a study of a lone leaf on the mill pond in the woods.

'A few stray leaves are floating along the surface, and I like how peaceful they look, 
not going under the water, and not blowing away either. 
Just floating, weightless and effortless.'   Carian Cole

'Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It’s ordinary to love the beautiful, 
but it’s beautiful to love the ordinary.'   MJ Korvan 

'Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, 
and take an insect view of its plain.'  Henry David Thoreau