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Saturday 29 June 2024

Foam patterns

The River Skell flows through the Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal estate, entering at the Abbey end (where it was once important to the monastic community as a source of power and food). It is transformed in the middle section into the formal ponds and lakes of the 18th century water gardens, before being released back as nothing more than a stream, which then flows towards Ripon, joining the River Laver before being subsumed into the River Ure. Despite the ongoing rainfall of the last few months, the stream was little more than a trickle, before drying up more or less completely (perhaps flowing underground?) At the final pool, a large amount of foam had formed (perhaps agricultural run-off?) and swirled into patterns that I found quite photogenic. 


  1. Those are superb. Makes me very jealous as fast-flowing streams are something quite alien to this area.

  2. I can imagine those photos printed on canvas to hang on a wall :)

  3. It reminds me of the patterns in some marble slabs.

  4. These are beautiful! I love this sort of Phtography.
