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Wednesday 12 June 2024

Harrogate Theatre

We had a camera club outing to Harrogate and a private tour of Harrogate Theatre, formerly the Grand Opera House. Its history is detailed on the plaque shown below: 

It's not a huge theatre and with about ten photographers - all with tripods - it proved a bit tricky to manoeuvre around to get the shots we all wanted. In the end, I ditched my tripod (never my favourite gadget anyway) in favour of hand-held shots, so mine are a bit less than sharp. 

The foyer is quite attractive, with an ornate ceiling and original panelling. The beautiful frieze depicting theatrical scenes was created by Frances Darlington (1880-1939), a local sculptor whose very fine work I also saw in St Wilfrid's Church (see HERE).

'Tragedy and Comedy':

'The Rehearsal of a Mystery Play':

'Fun and Frolic Mocking Time':

Any guesses as to what this (below) is?:

It's an ashtray for cigars and cigarettes. There were several dotted around, clearly a necessity at some point in the past. Now smoking is banned in public places, it's hard to remember what it was like when the air near the ceiling was foggy with smoke and the reek of cigarettes and cigars was all-pervasive in pubs, clubs, theatres and on public transport. 


  1. What a charming theatre...and sculptures in the lobby! I like the color choices for the ceiling panels too. Imagining a crowd of theatre-goers milling about until being seated, or at intermission...many a bejeweled lady with as many "penguin suits" on gentlemen.
