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Friday 14 June 2024

Backstage details

During our tour of Harrogate Theatre, we were allowed onto the stage and into the wings - a surprisingly constricted area full of random bits of detritus. The walls backstage are all painted black, I suppose so they can't easily been seen from the audience. It was all a bit the worse for wear, with chalk-scrawled notes and jokes, many of which seemed related to the Covid era. There was a list that was perhaps a tally of the performers who succumbed to the illness during a production run. 

Wide brooms must be for sweeping the stage - and some of the wiring and heating looked positively antiquated! 

I found the lone glass slipper rather poignant... and I've no idea what is 'Bad!' 

The area above the stage rises very high, hung with 'curtains' that can be dropped down on ropes when they want to change the scenery. There were vertiginous ladders at various points - and no, I didn't climb the 'stairway to heaven'! 

To the untrained eye, the mass of ropes looked like a real tangle but I guess the stagehands know exactly what to do, which to release and when, for each production, 


  1. A stage production with scene changes etc. does rely upon a crew with knowledge. No idea what thing was ''bad"

  2. I like the red and the turquoise rope!

  3. It's an interesting place back there.
