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Thursday 27 June 2024

Studley Royal

I enjoyed a trip to the World Heritage Site of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal recently. In the 18th century, the ruined abbey was incorporated into a pleasure garden by the landowners, the Aislabie family. Rather than visit the Abbey and gardens this time (which I have done countless times before) I explored the wider area, which is a deer park with acres of fields and trees. 

From the main drive at this end of the estate, you can see just how careful the planning of the gardens was. At one end stands a ceremonial gatehouse, with Ripon Cathedral visible in the distance. 

Turn round and the drive leads right up to the Victorian Gothic Revival church. 

The drive at this point is at a higher level than the Water Gardens, and there's a lovely view across the lake and along the first of the ornamental ponds. 

I didn't go into the formal gardens this time, but there is a tearoom at the gate where I had a cuppa. A lady was up a ladder applying gold leaf to the ornamental crest on the entrance gates, quite painstaking work. 

If you'd like to see more photos of this world-class heritage site, click the 'Fountains Abbey' label below:


  1. Wow what a beautiful place. So many lovely places in your area.

  2. Great to see the vistas with such beautiful structures! Thanks for giving me eye candy this morning!
