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Friday 1 December 2023

Countdown to Christmas

So... the countdown to Christmas starts here! How did that happen? This year seems to have gone by so fast, partly, I think, because it's been so dull and wet here since July. I feel like I'm still waiting for 'summer'. Well, I'm not going to get it now, am I? So I might as well enjoy this last Christmas in my current house, my 25th Christmas here. Do you think I should perhaps adopt a 'silver' theme?

I'm not sure how many other countries have 'advent calendars'. They were a feature of my childhood that my sister and I enjoyed, though in those days they just had little pictures behind each window. Nowadays they are all full of chocolate or small gifts. I've often fancied a Jo Malone advent calendar, full of fragrances, colognes and bath and body treats - but at £350 I won't be getting one! (Anyway, it seems they've sold out.) 

Saltaire will be having its annual Advent Windows Festival, so I hope to get out and take a few photos of the displays at some point. Otherwise I shall be knee deep in packing cases as the month moves on. I am hoping to move early in the New Year, if all goes well. 

(Actually I just realised that technically this will be my 26th Christmas in this house. But the first was just a few days after I moved in so I spent it with friends, who refused to let me unpack boxes on Christmas Day! Seems I always move at this time of year... )

Oh, and for the avoidance of doubt, this photo is NOT my home, which is filling up with boxes and bubble wrap rather than Christmas decor. I spotted the arrangement on my travels and thought it worthy of a photo. 


  1. Good capture. And happy packing. I had some boxes that were designated "things I'll need first" after move-in. Then some of them got put on the bottom of the pile and have never been opened. Guess I didn't need them that much! I love this pic with real candles burning. I miss that as our apartments have a rule against them.

  2. Oh, my! All good wishes to you on your move. I can't even imagine . . .

  3. We have a couple of advent calendars so that we each get a candy.

  4. 70 years ago I got an advent calendar from my aunt here in Texas. It was a fold out paper/cardboard one, with a medieval village pictured, and little windows to open for each day, where there was a little scene. I was entranced. I should have kept it. I do know it lasted for several years. It was just lovely. Thank you for the reminder. Glad to hear the sale/purchase has gone through.
