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Wednesday 6 December 2023

Quiet nights out

It was only about 5pm when I popped into the village on an errand, but there were few people about. The shops and cafés were still open, their lighted windows glowing warm and inviting. 

Since I was a child, I've always liked early evenings in winter. I remember travelling home on the bus and peeping into houses from the high vantage point of the bus window. People often seem to leave the curtains open for a while after it gets dark, meaning you can see into their rooms. It was like experiencing a whole series of mini-stories, gleaned from a quick glance into someone else's world. The woman ironing in front of the TV; an old man sitting in a cosy armchair, reading a newspaper; a cat lying across the back of a sofa; two people standing - arguing, perhaps?; someone just arrived home and taking their coat off; a child playing...


  1. These are beautiful. I always find lighted windows evocative--mysterious and somehow comforting.

  2. That is a fun thing about walking a dog at night. They always stop so you can peek in windows while the dog sniffs the ground.

  3. Lovely building that time of the evening.
