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Tuesday 19 December 2023

Advent Windows #3

Sir Titus Salt, the Victorian founder of Saltaire, usually creeps in to the Advent references somewhere. His luxuriant beard makes him a dead ringer for Father Christmas, so why not? This was a window in a house on a narrow street in the heart of the village, where there are inevitably cars parked outside. The reflections of the lights in the car roof added even more sparkle to the scene. 

In the old Salts Hospital, now apartments, one of the residents, Lou, has taken up an ongoing theme of the Christmas song 'On the first day of Christmas'. Each year the next verse is depicted, but with a 'Veg on the Edge' (our community gardening group) twist. She says she only initially intended to do one verse of 'The Twelve Days of Vegmas' but people have made it clear they expect to see more! Seems like she's given herself a challenge for quite a few years to come. 


  1. Loved seeing Lou's window details...hope to see more! It's such a great tradition, and I'm so glad you're sharing these here!

  2. What would Titus think of all this?
