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Wednesday 9 June 2021

A spring outing, take 2

The weather couldn't have been more different for my rescheduled camera club outing. We had to abort very quickly last time, due to torrential rain and hail. This time, it was blazing sunshine and remarkably warm. Photographers, like farmers, are rarely happy with the weather. Blazing sunshine doesn't make for brilliantly atmospheric photos but I took a few anyway. The lady lace is blooming in the hedgerows and along the riverbank. The heron at the weir was looking out for fish. He was restless and rarely stood for long in the same place. 

In Hirst Woods, the bluebells have faded and the leaf cover is almost complete. It seems to happen so quickly, takes me by surprise every year. One minute there are bare winter trees and the next minute they're fully clothed! This stand of beech trees was so vibrantly green, it almost hurt your eyes to look. I call these three trees the Goldilocks trio - daddy, mummy and baby tree. 



  1. The green is beautiful. Nice heron shot too.

  2. The forest pic looks lovely!

  3. Glad that your camera club was able to have an outing with favorable weather this time around. That heron looked quite patient waiting for a catch.

  4. Herons are a particular favourite for me.

  5. I love the heron but those beeches are magnificent!

  6. The Goldilocks trio look marvelous in their spring clothes Jenny. I think the weather is taking us all by surprise these days.. one day can be so different from the next! Are you officially into summer yet?
