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Wednesday 6 September 2023

Stained glass

I love stained glass and, for a small church, Baildon St John's has lots, mostly Victorian (by Barnett of York) though the internal screen separating the small memorial chapel looked much more recent. The chapel (or baptistry) window had the date 1930 and shows the infant John the Baptist on the left and the finding of the infant Moses on the right - such lovely details too. Do you see the blue bird? 

The three-light lancet east window above the altar has the theme of 'charity' and is a memorial to one of Sir Titus Salt's daughters-in-law, Mary Jane Susan, wife of his son Edward, who sadly died just before her 30th birthday. Edward Salt lived in Ferniehurst, a mansion (now demolished) in Baildon. 

Perhaps the most interesting window is a recent addition, by Roy Coomber of Pendle Stained Glass. It was installed to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee in 2012. It has lots of detail of events that happened during the Queen's reign. You can pick out the conquest of Everest by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary in 1953, a windfarm, a suspension bridge, Roger Bannister's four minute mile, the 2012 London Olympic Games, Scouting logo, The Open University logo (founded in 1969), World Wide Web logo, Concorde, a satellite, HM the Queen on horseback, three corgis, a road flyover ('Spaghetti Junction' possibly? 1972), Windsor Castle, the DNA helix and a guitar - among other things.    

In the nave there is a window showing Jesus welcoming children:

and two lights depicting Jesus walking on the water towards his disciples.


  1. Lovely stained glass...glad you led me to look for details. One of my favorite crafts/art forms.

  2. It’s all so beautiful but particularly the Diamond Jubilee window; a lovely way to remember some of the events during reign of Queen Elizabeth ll
