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Tuesday 5 September 2023

St John's Church interior

St John's, Baildon has a wealth of detail inside to enjoy and photograph. Many of our churches have lecterns shaped like eagles and, as a flying eagle is the symbol of St John the Evangelist, this one seemed very appropriate. 

The church is a simple Early English style, constructed in 1848 with a tower added in 1928. It has a short nave and a side aisle, both still with the original wooden pews. The rood screen is made of metalwork, quite airy and transparent compared with similar wooden or stone screens. Some of the memorials and stonework have been brought in from an earlier church that once stood here. 

The altar has a nicely carved wooden reredos, though it looked like one of the illuminating bulbs needed replacing. 


  1. Such a beautiful interior. I'm not a believer but I confess I miss the liturgy, the smells and bells of my Episcopal upbringing.

  2. Love the gold eagle, and must wonder what the wire going up to it might mean. (Sorry, always finding these little questions.)
