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Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Circle of gold

On the days when I don't really have anything planned or anywhere special to go (a lot, this year!) I fall back on what I think of as 'my usual walk'. With minor variations, that is down through Saltaire, out along the canal to the lock, through the woods and back along the canal, or along the canal to the aqueduct and then back along the river bank. I count myself lucky to have such a pleasant, circular walk with its several possible minor variations. It doesn't seem to get boring (to me) and the options take account of the light/weather, general muddiness of the terrain and time available. I sometimes take photos, often don't. Some days it all seems a bit dull and I'm doing it for the sake of exercise rather than anything - but then there are the days when it all looks so very beautiful that I am stopping every few steps to marvel and enjoy. 

Here are the photos from one such late afternoon recently, when the whole circuit was bathed in gold. 



  1. When I look at Hirst Lock I always think of Patsy the astute boat horse which decided one frosty winter morning that this was all too cold for her. Suddenly she slipped her swingle tree and galloped away down the towpath. My breathless friend Billy racing behind found her before her cosy stable door in Shipley waiting to be let in. He bore her no malice. "That Patsy, she were cute!" Meaning in Yorkshire, very clever. She would back up to the lock beams and help the men push them open. All this one hundred years ago.....A condensed lifetime of hard work and folklore was passed on to me as we went along....magic.

  2. What lovely golden photos from that afternoon when the light kissed everything just right. I also enjoyed Peter's story about Patsy the horse. Those locks have seen a lot!

  3. Beautiful photos - thank you.

  4. A wonderful golden afternoon!

  5. Oh. Those are all wonderful photos. They really are.
    Thank you.

  6. Aren't you fortunate to have such a pretty area for your (photo)walks? I have always felt that I am lucky to have appealing places nearby.
