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Saturday 29 August 2020

The Columbarium

Lawnswood Cemetery contains this impressive columbarium, opened in 1933, with two colonnaded wings, with niches in the walls containing funeral urns and inscribed stone tablets. I don't know that I've ever seen one before, at least not in this country, and certainly not on this scale. They are not, I think, that common. Nowadays people tend to scatter or bury the ashes and sometimes have a small plaque. In Lawnswood there are plaques along all the edges of the paths, many with vases for flowers. 



  1. I've certainly never seen one before. I only knew the word as a posh term for a pigeon house!

  2. Beautiful shot of that beautiful ceiling.

  3. It makes for nice memorial.

  4. The monochrome was very effective here, Jenny.
