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Wednesday 23 August 2023

Work done and work needed

The walk along the riverbank is one I enjoy fairly regularly but, since I last went that way, the Canal and River Trust (CRT) people (I suppose) have been doing a lot of remedial work. They have widened and flattened the path and topped it with a gravelly clay mixture (though that will be muddy after rain, I'm sure). The new path goes all the way from the Rowing Club to Dowley Gap, ironing out all the uneven bits and the holes. It makes it much safer and easier for walking. Hooray! 

They have also packed a lot of the areas where the river was starting to erode the path, which should help stop the damage getting worse, though I'm not sure those barriers will survive a flood. 

Our local Green councillors, with Hirst Wood Regeneration Group and conservation volunteers have also fenced off a dangerous pathway down to the bridge over the goit underneath the aqueduct, making a safer access path further round. 

Now someone needs to turn attention to the lock gates at Hirst Wood. One of the big wooden balance beams has sheered off and the gates themselves are riddled with holes. I think they are still being used but they do need some remedial work. It's going to become an increasing problem as the CRT are complaining that the next round of government funding is far lower than they actually need to maintain our river and canal systems in good working order. It's a shame as it's much easier to maintain things than to reclaim things that have been left to deteriorate. 


  1. You are blessed with so many fine walks!

  2. Those stakes down by the river side (if following a permaculture model) might be willow, which may even become live plants...thus making it more strong with roots. Or so I've heard. Never seen it work yet. But they have good ideas for reclaiming slopes around here. Yes, it would be great to have maintenance before more damage happens to the locks.

  3. Maintenance seems to be an easy thing to put off to another day and then it doesn't get done.

  4. Here Canal maintenance is largely done over the winter.
