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Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Making a statement

I seem gradually to build up odd little collections of photos that don't really 'fit' anywhere but that nevertheless caught my eye for one reason or another.  This random grouping has come together under the title of 'Making a Statement', something that some folk seem keen to do. 

Maybe it's painting Hokusai's iconic 'Great Wave off Kanagawa' on the side of your narrowboat (presumably all the while hoping you never actually come across those kinds of conditions on the Rochdale Canal!)  Maybe choosing an obscure and - to the uninitiated - unpronounceable name for your craft (which has sadly seen better days) is your 'thing'. 

Some people choose to make a statement in the way they dress:

Others paint pictures on the side of their vans; no clue as to the significance of this menacing tree:

A café chose some quirky decor:

and then another narrowboat owner has the final say: 

 And that's all for today, folks!