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Friday, 15 April 2022

On Good Friday

I really feel the need to stop and reflect on this Good Friday. Over two thousand years ago, a man was put to death on a cross. For his friends it felt like the end. But it wasn't. As a Christian, I believe in the God who is Hope, Love and Peace. Hope will rise from the ashes and the despair. Love will help and heal. Peace will come. 

'Make me a channel of your peace.'     St Francis of Assisi

'God of love, we are disconcerted by the violence in our world, and especially now by the acts of war in Ukraine. Enable us to stand in solidarity with those who suffer, and who live today in fear and anxiety. Sustain the hope of all those who seek justice and peace. Send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of peace, to inspire the leaders of nations and all human beings.'           Brother Alois, Taizé

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