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Sunday 17 April 2022

Cherry blossom

A copse of cherry trees in the gardens of Goldsborough Hall was underplanted by brilliant blue scillas. It presented itself to me as a good subject for an impressionistic multi-layered image, making the most of the frothy feel of the blossom. The trees were a gift to Princess Mary from the Emperor of Japan in the 1920s. They are Prunus 'Shirotae' Mount Fuji, a flat, widely spreading species with pure white flowers. Spectacular. 

This seemed like a suitable illustration for Easter Day, with its promise of new life. At the moment it feels like we really need that reassurance. 

Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed! 


  1. A happy pairing, the cherry blossoms and the scillas. Happy Easter!

  2. This was a beautiful image and perfect pairing for the holiday too.
