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Saturday 12 February 2022

Snowdrops in the woods

I made a return visit to the woods above Fewston Reservoir. There are lots of naturalised snowdrops there, perhaps a legacy from the garden of the ruined cottage nearby. They have spread over quite a large area and really do look like light drifts of snow. I first discovered them three years ago but lockdowns prevented me from going back the past two years. Anyway, they were as magical a sight as I remembered.

Like bluebells, they are hard to do justice to in photographs but that never stops me trying! 

They are our simple 'native' snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis (not actually native at all but introduced and cultivated, albeit hundreds of years ago). They're such a welcome sign of new life as Spring starts to wake up our woodlands and gardens. 


  1. Oh they are so beautiful...whether in a drift, like snow, or the closer looks at their beautiful tall green spikes and soft white petals!

  2. I look forward to them each spring but we won't see them for a while yet. It is going down to -20˚C here tonight so no flowers for weeks.
