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Friday 11 February 2022

A lazy day

Granddaughter number two had a couple of days off school recently with a bug (not Covid!) so I was drafted in to care for her one day. She was actually pretty much recovered, thankfully, and we had a really lovely day together. There was a time, pre-school, when I looked after her more often so it was lovely to reconnect, especially after the last couple of years when our family times together have been so limited by the lockdown. In my head she's still about 5. In reality she is now 7 so I had to catch up - she can read really well, and she is more than competent doing many things - like spreading her own toast! She happily worked through a puzzle book I'd taken along and also did some neat and vibrant colouring. She's a loving and very active little soul. She wore her roller skates much of the day and times of quiet industry were interspersed with hectic bouts of roller skating up and down the hall, and leaping around on cushions. We even did a dance-off in the kitchen. 

The picture below came about because we were looking at old photos on my phone and there was one of her, aged about 3, sitting in her pushchair wearing the same hat. She insisted on digging it out from a cupboard and wearing it again! 

She's full of useful info too. "Did you know... that it's the daddy seahorses that have the babies?" - - accompanied by graphic gestures indicating the birthing of quantities of little creatures, as seen on so many nature documentaries on TV. 

All in all, I had a most entertaining day. I'm conscious that both girls are getting a little too old to feature on my blog really. I'd hate to embarrass either of them. On the other hand, my time with them is always so precious and it's lovely to have the memories documented.  



  1. Once you can spread your own toast you've got life sorted. (says he wiping marmalade from his shirt!).

  2. She is so sweet...skates to tiger hat!

  3. A lovely day for the two of you.
