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Tuesday 21 December 2021

Nature notes on a foggy morning

We had a couple of mornings last week when we woke up to thick mist. It always amazes me how such weather can transform familiar scenes, so I enjoyed a walk with my camera, seeking to capture the experience. There were few people about at first and everything seemed muffled and still. 

Droplets of moisture on twigs, a few autumn leaves still hanging on, countless spider webs covered in dew (and, oh, they are hard to persuade my camera to focus on!): 

Assorted fungi on a tree stump, looking like continents on a globe; several goosander on the river, seeming less inclined than usual to dive under the water... 

and another ragged spider web: 

Beauty in the small things. 


  1. Great observations of the natural world. I see we've been involved in similar endeavours over the weekend. Anyone reading your blog will realise why there are no cobweb photos on mine!

  2. Fog does indeed transform a landscape. Well done with these excellent photographs.

  3. Lovely webs, and congrats on managing to capture them! All of these speak of the super quiet that fogs bring...a different one than snow!

  4. The last particularly stands out to me.

  5. Indeed you have found beauty in the small thing that so many others take for granted. the fungi on the tree stump does look like continents. I have never mastered spider webs so kudos to you, Jenny.

  6. These are all wonderful--especially the fungi!
