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Wednesday 10 January 2024

When in York...

When in York, I usually like to visit the Minster (cathedral) and, on a cold day just after Christmas, it was good to spend time inside rather than pounding the chilly streets. I've taken (and shown here) so many photos of it before and it was challenging to find a slightly different angle. The Christmas lights outside provided one way of framing it. 

Looking from the central crossing down the nave towards the west window, it was hard to believe the building was packed with visitors. 

It's always good to look up and appreciate the soaring vaulted ceilings. The one above is a side aisle to the nave. 

The Minster's stained glass is celebrated. Attention is usually focused on the great East and West windows but those along the nave are also worthy of study. 

A small part of the nave is roped off as a chapel dedicated (I think) to the Yorkshire Regiment. I can't say I'd noticed this before so perhaps it is new. It had a painted canopy (below) but I didn't note down the name of the artist.