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Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Love on the Rocks

Someone has taken it upon themselves to create a colourful little 'rock garden' in Roberts Park. I think maybe the idea is for people to add to it. These minor trends seem to happen every now and again. I once found a painted rock left on my gatepost and discovered that someone was leaving them around all over the place, to surprise people with a nice message. I'm sure most people would be cheered by the gesture. 

Hey beautiful!   đź’› you. 

It reminded me of the time I was walking home from the gym, a bit pink-faced and dishevelled after a workout. An elderly man (someone I'd never seen before - or since for that matter) came up to me and gave me a single red rose in a cellophane wrapper. Inside it said 'I saw you and thought you were beautiful' or words to that effect. I didn't really know at first whether to be pleased or creeped out, but he didn't linger, just went on his way and didn't follow me or anything... so, after the momentary discombobulation, I decided to take it as a kindly meant  gesture - all the more so as I was a bit hot and sweaty and didn't feel very beautiful at that moment! 


  1. What fun! Glad you got the rose at that moment in time! Just for you being you.

  2. What a sweet thing for that man to do. A little random act can sure make us happy.

  3. A friendly word can change the mood.

  4. Such nice messages and a cute pun too.
