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Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Woodland ablaze

In the woodland at RHS Harlow Carr the azaleas and rhododendrons were in full bloom. They provide a very attractive blaze of colour.  Many of the shrubs are now really old and rather 'leggy' and untidy, but they are still worth seeing. 

The woodland is perhaps a little more sheltered than some spots so the camellias and magnolias seemed a bit fresher - less brown and frost-shrivelled than most of those I've noticed locally. 

I rather liked this unusual cherry red magnolia:



  1. Beautiful close ups of those blooms!

  2. Gosh, those are pretty! Well done!

  3. We have azaleas and rhododendrons here in a private park by the Weser. In May the huge azaleas smell absolutely heavenly.
