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Friday, 18 September 2020

Strong girls in Skipton

After years of not visiting, I've now made two trips to Skipton Castle this year! The latest was a celebratory day out with my daughter and my two granddaughters, just prior to them going back to school. Despite all the rigmarole of having to book, wear face masks and use hand sanitiser at every turn, we all had a good time. Over 900 years old in parts, the castle is a sturdy old place, which is probably just as well since both the girls were in active mode, jumping and climbing and skipping about like little human whirlwinds. It remains in very good condition, largely due to the care of Lady Anne Clifford (1590-1676) after the English Civil War in the 1600s. She ensured it was rebuilt and reroofed after it was beseiged for three years by Cromwell's troops. She planted the yew tree in the central courtyard, which still stands proudly. 

This last photo was taken by my daughter, who was quicker with her phone to capture the cheeky little misses than I was with my camera. Perhaps Lady Anne - a legend in her own lifetime and a very proud and strong woman (see HERE for a short biography) - would be glad to see two strong girls playing around her tree.


  1. It's probably the first time that the castle only receives visitors with masks and desinfected hands ! It looks still beautiful ! I like old castles ! I think the Coronavirus has forced us to discover the beauties of our own country instead of going to the end of the world !

  2. Your girls are having a great deal of fun. These are the happy family excursions of which memories are made!

  3. The Yew tree is magnificent there in the courtyard Jenny. I should think the idea of exploring a castle would be super exciting to your granddaughters, I'd enjoy it myself đź’™

  4. Granddaughters with energy to burn (I've got 4) always make me feel very old indeed! But they are so cute!

  5. I love that the Yew is still there and is healthy. It was good to get out and make some happy memories of this year.

  6. Its lovely to see a castle so well maintained. Cute little ladies.

  7. Looks like a nice visit to a castle and that last photo was very good.
