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Wednesday 6 March 2024


Well, I got here! I finally moved last Thursday and have started unpacking boxes. The kitchen and my bedroom are now functioning fairly well but there’s a lot I can’t unpack until I get more storage. Much at my previous house was built in (bookshelves and cupboards) so I haven’t been able to bring them with me. There is loads still to do: new bathroom, complete redecoration, curtains and carpets throughout, so I’m going to be busy. Although very unfinished yet, it already feels like home and I think I’ll be happy and contented here.

The biggest issue currently is that I have no broadband. It was installed last Friday but doesn’t work and I’m having a real job to get it progressed. Being deaf, I don’t use the phone so it’s hugely inconvenient to be offline. 

I’ve been humbled and grateful for all the support and love of family and friends, who are going above and beyond to help with various things, making phone calls for me, making sure I’m fed and so on. It clearly ‘takes a village’ to move house, and I’m very fortunate to have my little ‘village’ surrounding me.

Some bits are relatively tidy and I love my new sofa, though it will look 100% better paired with a new carpet.

It’s all a work in progress but I’m so glad to be here and to be starting the ‘fun end’ of the business of moving house. It’s been a long haul to get this far. 



  1. Oh, my! What a lot is ahead of you--though some of it will be fun. Take your toime about it all.

  2. I'm glad that you are getting things sorted and hope you get your broadband sorted out soon. The place looks nice even with the old carpet.

  3. So glad that you are at least able to blog. I do hope you get everything sorted out as you want it...step by step. Of course just living while it's all happening is also a good idea. I wonder when you'll have a chance for a walk again...all your energy should definitely be toward nest building at this point.

  4. Oh good. You finally made it. With the more amusing part of making a nest for yourself left....broadband kinds notwithstanding. Glad the biggest part is over.

  5. I meant broadband kinks, not kinds.

  6. Whenever we have moved, I was never sure whether the boxing up or unboxing was the hardest. Thanks for the update and sure that all will work out. The room with your new couch looks very nice. I spotted your reflection in the glass doors.

  7. When I last moved (~16 years ago) I had help by movers to pack, and to basically put my furniture in place in the new flat - but not to unpack the boxes. I found myself overwhelmed by towers of heavy boxes filled with books and such - I couldn't reach the top of the mountain to even start unpacking them! ... (Had to ask friends for help.) Wish you the best of luck + all the help you need from your 'village'...

  8. What a massive job to do on your own. So glad you have a suppoting village around you. Glad it already feels like home.
