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Tuesday, 4 February 2025

More Hockney

Alongside the flower pictures, there is a video installation 'Woldgate Woods, Winter 2010' that I find mesmerising. One of his 'Cubist movies', Hockney filmed it using a rig of nine video cameras atop a 4x4, driving slowly round the Yorkshire countryside. There is no sound, just the moving images, which are almost but not quite synchronised. They have slightly different white balances and very slightly varying focal lengths. The result is calming and strangely hypnotic. 

I might have bought a catalogue but they were £25. (Why always so expensive?) I did like this photo in it though. Always the Yorkshireman, there Hockney sits in his French kitchen, painting on his iPad, in his tweed jacket and flat cap! 

There's an interesting video showing the brushstrokes he made building up one of his water lily paintings. (The one shown in this post HERE.)

There are also a few more paintings, the two above reminiscent of the 'A Year in Normandie' frieze that was recently on show in the mill's roof space. The grid of iPad screens gives the impression of looking through a window. 

I felt so delighted to see this exhibition that I took a photo through the grid of the gallery window: my homage to Hockney. 


  1. Oh that first installation must be enjoyable to stop and watch go by. Loved your last photo of looking through the window!

  2. A really good post. Love his work.

  3. I really like these! Lucky you to see them in person!

  4. Your photo is indeed a fitting tribute!
    The first video installation looks like something I could truly lose myself in. Wonderful!
