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Thursday, 30 January 2025


In winter, beauty is as much about texture as colour. The little stream that runs through Harlow Carr Gardens, often almost dry, was, naturally, full of water after the snow. It was cascading over the small rock ledges rather prettily. The textures change from the smooth, shiny pools that catch the light, through the ribbons tumbling down in the cascades to the bubbles swirling around at their base. 

Dead seed heads looked like spun silk with the light behind them. A wall covered with ivy was enlivened by the strong shadows. In winter gardens there's 'not much to see' but plenty to find if you look closely. 


  1. I totally agree with you, Jenny - a lot to see, if one looks properly!
    The seed heads are my favourite picture of this set.

  2. Great detailed photos all. My fav is the first waterfall.

  3. Beautiful photos ! and I don't like winter ! This one is especially wet, windy and cloudy ! The sun must have immigrated to another planet !

  4. The top image with flowing water is quite lovely.
