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Thursday, 23 January 2025

Seeking escape

Gosh, it's really not the weather for outdoor photography at the moment. It's not so much the damp as the fact that there is just no 'light' at all. Bad weather can be atmospheric but drizzly, dark days with not much wind are neither one thing nor another. It's not stopping me going out, but it is militating against interesting photos. I went with a friend to Bolton Abbey and we had a walk upriver to the Strid (above), the point where the Wharfe plunges into a narrow chasm. Despite the recent snow, there has not been much rain so the river level was very low and the - often thrillingly turbulent - Strid was ... well, pretty boring really! 

I didn't find much to point my camera at. Not that it mattered, as we were chatting away and not always focusing on the scenery. My friend did point out a curious blemish on a tree trunk that we both agreed looked like a female figure... perhaps the Spirit of the Tree?

Or perhaps I could conjure up a line of dancing girls...! 



  1. The Spirit of the tree, definitely!
    No matter that the day wasn't good for outdoor photography. As you say, you were there with your friend and you had a good chat and still a good walk. I hope to return to Bolton Abbey this summer or next; last year was my first visit there, and I really like the area.

  2. So glad you went out, trekking and photographing, and then came back in to make dancing spirits of trees!

  3. A dryad! At least you made one interesting find for your camera, then!! :)

  4. Your photos are never boring. Stay warm while we are trying to keep cool.
