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Monday, 20 January 2025

Repost: A history of the wool textile trade in Yorkshire #5



Drawing was the process by which the combed 'tops' were gradually reduced from thick slivers of wool to a 'roving' from which yarn could be spun. The wool passed through a series of machines with rollers, each designed to play its part in the gradual drawing-out process. You can see the difference in the thickness of the wool between yesterday's top balls and the bobbins in this picture. To give some idea of scale, each of these bobbins is about a foot (30cm) high. (Isn't 'bobbins' a lovely word..?) But the wool is still way too thick for weaving and has no twist to make it strong.


  1. Thank you so much for this lovely history of wool making!

  2. It's impressive when one sees old machines like that running, but it was a very noisy working environment... (I know from demonstrations at our textile museums here.)
